Ronit Mor, NDWHAT IS 5G 5G is the next generation of mobile broadband that will eventually replace, or at least augment, your 4G LTE connection. The technology uses an untapped bandwidth between 30 GHz and 300 GHz. With 5G, you’ll see exponentially faster download and upload speeds. Latency, or the time it takes devices to communicate with wireless networks, will also drastically decrease. In order to facilitate these speeds, the new network communicates through millimeter waves (MMW's) rather than microwaves, as previous generations have. Because smaller waves cannot easily travel far and through many types of materials, there will be a need for far more individual 'small cell towers' closer together. You’ll likely see these small cell towers on street signs, light poles, on the sides of buildings, on homes, and just about anywhere else the telecom companies can legally place them. RAPID DEPLOYMENT Tech giants are working literally around the clock to make 5G a reality. Mobile 5G has already made appearances in cities around the country, with a much more comprehensive rollout expected over the next few years. Click here to see where 5G has already been rolled out in the U.S. Companies working together to develop and create the 5G infrastructure include: AT&T, NTT Docomo, SK Telecom, Vodafone, Ericsson, Qualcomm, British Telecom, Telstra, Korea Telecom, Intel, LG Uplus, KDDI, LG Electronics, Telia Company, Swisscom, TIM, Etisalat Group, Huawei, Sprint, Vivo, ZTE and Deutsche Telekom. Unfortunately, the installation of 5G cell towers is not only going to improve speed, but it is also likely to have a detrimental effect on our public health. That’s right, 5G is coming whether we like it or not and health risks are going to tag along with these faster data experiences. A MASSIVE HEALTH EXPERIMENT Professor of public health at the University of California Berkeley, Dr. Joel Moscowitz says that MMW’s could pose a very real danger. He told the Daily Mail Online that "the deployment of 5G, or fifth-generation cellular technology, constitutes a massive experiment on the health of all species. Because MMWs are weaker than microwaves, they are predominantly absorbed by the skin, meaning their distribution is quite focused there." He also told Daily Mail Online that he's concerned that “5G will use high-band frequencies, or millimeter waves, that may affect the eyes, the testes, the skin, the peripheral nervous system, and sweat glands.” Dr Moskowitz is not alone. The International Society of Doctors for the Environment, its subsidiaries in 27 countries and more than 200 doctors and scientists are all calling for a stop to be put to the roll out of 5G, “due to concern that 5G radio frequency radiation will have adverse health effects,” Dr Moskowitz says. In 2017, a group of over 250 scientists from around the world wrote and published a declaration called the “5G Appeal” asking for a moratorium on the building of 5G infrastructure. This was a followup to a previous letter sent to the United Nations with a similar request. They said in part: “We recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry…RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.” You may read the entire published appeal here. Hundreds of other scientists and medical doctors from around the world have been calling for a halt to the role out of 5G. So far, their warnings have gone unheeded. “When we have substantial risk of multiple existential threats to every single technologically advanced country on earth, failure to act vigorously means there is a very high probability of complete destruction of these societies. And the chaos which would inevitably ensue, in a world that still has nuclear weapons, may well lead to extinction.“ ~Martin L. Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistryand Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University CDC, FDA DENY 5G HEALTH RISKS EXIST The FDA denies that 5G causes any health risk at all. The CDC’s position is, as you might expect, that death by wireless data is the work of fear-mongering, conspiracy theorists. “There is no scientific evidence that provides a definite answer to that question,” the CDC website states. “Some organizations recommend caution in cell phone use. More research is needed before we know if using cell phones causes health effects.” However, the scientific consensus of independent scientists based on information accumulated over the last 7 decades is just the opposite of what each of them states. AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH For 4 billion years, the energies that surrounded life were simple. There was the Schumann resonance; which essentially was a weak electromagnetic field (ELF) modulated by the micro-pulsations, sculpted by the solar and lunar cycles. There were random bursts of static electricity from lightnings, weak radio signals from distant stars, as well as UV and infrared electromagnetic radiation from the sun. In just over 100 years, we humans have abruptly added massive man-made electromagnetic fields (EMF’s) to our environment. In 1895, the modern era of electrical engineering began when we harnessed the power of Niagra Falls. In 1901, Marconi sent the first transatlantic radio message. In 1915, the first voice transmission by the radio was transmitted. And, in 1920, the first commercial radio station was launched. Yet, the greatest assault of the Earth’s surface came right after WWII. We began bouncing shorter wavelengths off the ionosphere for long distance communication. In 1947, Bell Telephone set up the first microwave phone relay between towers in Boston and NYC. The same year, TV was born. In the 1950's, large transcontinental microwave relay networks, consisting of chains of repeater stations linked by line-of-sight beams of microwaves were built in Europe and America to relay long distance telephone traffic and television programs between cities. And, the 1980’s brought us cellular communications. In a blink of an eye we went from candles, campfires, and kerosene to high speed communications, smartphones, and reality TV. Einstein’s work tells us that EMF waves last for infinity once they are generated. They usually dissipate into space except on Earth. Here, our ionosphere keeps them captive. It is estimated that the first mile above the Earth is now filled with 2 million times the amount of EMF that we faced in 1900. As of 2012, the radio waves that surround our planet are estimated to be one billion times the amount that naturally reaches us from our sun! Add to it the imminent 5G MMW's, categorically more dangerous wavelengths, and this may be the single most important factor in disease generation in our lifetime. Forget sugar, gluten, and heavy metals toxicity. When all will be said and done, we will be missing the effects of those. According to Dr. Jack Kruse, “we know that there are primary biological effects on all life forms at most ELF frequencies, and all other parts of the spectrum that can disrupt life at any level from the subatomic to the entire biosphere we live in. We know this from experiments done worldwide. American corporations, however, who are making trillions of dollars off this, are spending a lot money to keep this information from us… Do not blame your politicians or corporations for this. The data has been under your nose since the 1960’s and 70’s. We were too busy living la vida loca to notice. Blame yourself for staying in the dark so long.” We have altered our electromagnetic background more than any other aspect of our environment. We are awash in an ocean of electromagnetic energies that life has never before had to deal with, ever! This has come on fast and furious and the results of which are going to be our new inconvenient truth. YOUR BODY IS AN ELECTRIC CIRCUIT So, why should you care about all of this electromagnetic mambo jumbo? An adult body is comprised of more than 37 trillion individual cells. Each of those trillions of cells carries out at least 7,000 chemical reactions per second. In order for that level of complexity to function smoothly, there must be a great deal of communication between and within these trillions of cells. This communication is possible because cells, tissues, and fluids thrive in a homeostatic environment where they conduct electricity well enough to carry the signals to their intended destinations. Your body's ability to generate electricity is a key part of achieving health. Electricity is required for the nervous system to send signals throughout the body and to the brain. These signals are actually electrical charges that are delivered from cell to cell, allowing for nearly immediate communication. The computations required for such coordination are enormous. There may be anywhere from 10 to 100 trillion connections between neurons (synapses) in the brain, and each one operates as a tiny calculator that tallies signals arriving as electrical pulses. The messages conducted via electrical signals in your body are responsible for controlling the rhythm of your heartbeat, the movement of blood around your body, and even your ability to think, focus, and feel. All the reactions that occur in the cell and human body are electrical in nature and the key to maintaining this conductive superhighway lies with electrolytes - Bicarbonate, Calcium, Chloride, Magnesium, Phosphate, Potassium, and Sodium. Electrolytes are important because they are what your cells (especially nerve, heart, muscle) use to maintain voltages across their cell membranes and to carry electrical impulses (nerve impulses, muscle contractions) across themselves and to other cells. Scientists confirm that the body's electromagnetic fields interact with all of the other magnetic fields on the planet. This interaction manifests in many ways ranging from normal physiological activity to severe tissue injury, illnesses, and even death. For example, in order for the heart to pump, cells must generate electrical currents that allow the heart muscle to contract at the right time. Doctors can even observe these electrical pulses in the heart using a machine, called an electrocardiogram or EKG. Irregular electrical currents can prevent heart muscles from contracting correctly, leading to a heart attack. This is just one example showing the important role of electricity (and disruptions in the body's electromagnetic fields) in health and disease. EIGHT WELL-DOCUMENTED EFFECTS OF EMF EXPOSURE Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University, a published and widely cited scientist on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields. Dr. Pall is an expert in how wireless radiation impacts the electrical systems in our bodies. He published 7 studies showing that the voltage sensor in each cell in the human body has exquisite sensitivity to EMF's with massive impact on the biology of the cell. His recent paper, titled “5G Risk: The Scientific Perspective” presents the following 8 well-documented effects of non-thermal microwave frequency EMF exposure, together with a list of review articles, most of them being peer reviewed articles published in well respected journals in the PubMed database, that have together reviewed a massive body of hundreds of studies demonstrating the existence of these effects.
There is also a substantial literature showing that EMFs may cause other effects including life threatening cardiac effects, including tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), arrhythmia, and bradycardia (slow heart beat). In addition substantial evidence suggests EMF causation of very early onset dementias, including Alzheimer’s, digital and other types of dementias; and there is evidence that EMF exposures in utero and shortly after birth can cause ADHD and autism. CORONAVIRUS AND 5G - IS THERE A CONNECTION? And last, how can we not mention the buzzword of the day? A comprehensive study, conducted by Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre, a microbiologist from the University of Barcelona, and published in April, 2020, concludes that there is a clear and close relationship between the rate of coronavirus infections and 5G antenna location. Dr. Thomas Cowan, an anthroposophical holistic medical doctor from San Francisco CA, hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and linked to 5G. Dr. Cowan is the author of “Human Heart, Cosmic Heart”, “Cancer and the New Biology of Water”, “How (and Why) to Eat More Vegetables”, principal author of “Fourfold Path to Healing” and co-author of “The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care”. Watch his mind-bending, paradigm-shifting 10-minute clip filmed at the Health And Human Rights Summit in Tucson, Arizona on March 12, 2020. There is much discussion in the EMF science community about the relevance of this theory. Some are dismissive, others are not. THE BOTTOM LINE The 5G technology seems to bring endless possibilities on both business and personal levels. However, it comes with a high price tag that we might not be able to afford. Not only will it be a much higher frequency, shorter wavelength form of electromagnetic radiation, it will also be in much closer proximity, increasing our exposure and the danger. Remember the inverse square law of physics. This law essentially states that as we double our distance from a source of EMF radiation, we quarter our exposure to it. This concept means that distance gives us exponential protection from EMF. "This is a unique situation in the history of the humankind when the whole human population will be exposed to man-made devices emitting non-ionizing radiation that was insufficiently tested before deployment. What is and what will be the responsibility of the scientists, decision-makers and industry leaders who permit deployment of insufficiently tested technology that will affect us all? The answer is simple – no responsibility… because if any health problems will show up in the future, these will most likely take tens of years of time to manifest and, by then the persons that currently enable deployment of insufficiently tested radiation-emitting 5G technology will be retired or the proverbial ‘six feet under.’” ~Dr. Darius Leszczynski, Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland It should not come at all as a surprise to you that telecommunication companies and the technology sector as a whole do not want you to know about just how powerful 5G will be. They don’t want you to fully understand that the radiation from 5G will likely be far beyond anything we can currently understand or comprehend. Just know, that this will likely be an information war between those companies and industries, and the parents, scientists, and researchers who feel that this will likely be a true danger. One of the most important things you can do, if you feel so inclined, is to do your part advocating against the rollout of 5G. It’s important to remember that although this technology is currently being tested, we have not yet reached a point where we can’t still stop it. It is also possible to get federal agencies involved in protecting their citizens. Or, at a minimum, delaying the rollout to further study the biological harm that the radiation from 5G networks will cause on human, plant, and animal populations. If you feel inclined to speak out, the Parents for Safe Technology have put together a fantastic resource outlining ways that you can speak out against 5G. It includes agency email addresses and phone numbers, as well as education and stock letters to help you. You can find all the information you need on their Take Action page. For your further research, here are a few highly reliable resources: Also, click here to view my most favorite EMF protection products that I own and use on a daily basis. Resources and References (in addition to the above links):
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October 2022